.. _igor-export-infos-label: ********************************************** Notes on Exporting Data for :program:`IgorPro` ********************************************** The files created by :program:`PMbrowser` are compatible with :program:`IgorPro` versions 5 and later. When exporting traces as Igor binary waves as either single :file:`.ibw` files or as part of an experiment :file:`.pxp` file, metadata will be exported as a wave-note. Which metadata will be exported is chosen via the :ref:`select-params-dlg-label` by selecting the 'export' checkbox for the items you want to include. When exporting several traces into a single :file:`.pxp` file, you have the option to have a datafolder structure created which replicates the tree structure (group, series) found in the :file:`.dat` file. Additionally, a macro will be included to create graphs for the individual series. This macro is accessible from the *Macro* menue (entry *Display Waves*) within :program:`IgorPro`. You may want to restrict the traces you export using the :ref:`filter-dlg-label` before invoking :ref:`Export -> all visible traces ` from the *File* menue.